JEON Byeoung-Kyu vs ENTHOLZER Joseff

Created with Highcharts 9.0.1PartidasENTHOLZER JoseffENTHOLZER JoseffJEON Byeoung-KyuJEON Byeoung-Kyu
Flag of Coréia República JEON Byeoung-Kyu
Atualmente sem ranking.
Best rank #24 in class 2 was on Julho 2006. Ver histórico

2004 EuroChamp Table Tennis Tournament, Teams class 1-2:
Flag of Áustria ENTHOLZER Joseff
Atualmente sem ranking.
Best rank #16 in class 2 was on Julho 2005. Ver histórico

2005 EuroChamp Table Tennis Tournament, Singles class 2: