KIM Byoung-young vs CETIN Selcuk

Flag of Coréia República KIM Byoung-young
Atualmente sem ranking.
Best rank #1 in class 5 was on Abril 2005. Ver histórico

2007 Hong Kong Open, Teams class 5: 8,-5,6,-8,10
2002 World Championships, Singles class 5:
Flag of Alemanha CETIN Selcuk
Atualmente sem ranking.
Best rank #3 in class 5 was on Julho 2011. Ver histórico

2012 Paralympic Games, Singles class 5: -4,-10,8,11,9
2010 World Championships, Teams class 5: 10,-10,-16,8,6
2010 Taipei International Table Tennis Championships, Teams class 5: 11,9
2008 4th German Open, Singles class 5: -8,-8,8,7,8
2005 OttoBock Korea Open TT Championships, Singles class 5: