LEE Cheonsik vs MIZRACHI Barak

Created with Highcharts 9.0.1PartidasMIZRACHI BarakMIZRACHI BarakLEE CheonsikLEE Cheonsik
Created with Highcharts 9.0.1SetsMIZRACHI BarakMIZRACHI BarakLEE CheonsikLEE Cheonsik
Flag of Coréia República LEE Cheonsik
Atualmente sem ranking.
Best rank #4 in class 8 was on Abril 2003. Ver histórico

2011 Asian and Oceanic Championships, Singles class 8: 6,14,6
2011 Korea Veterans PTT Tournament, Singles class 8: 8,-3,-8,9,5
2011 Taichung TT Open for the Disabled, Singles class 8: 9,7,7
Flag of Austrália MIZRACHI Barak
Atualmente sem ranking.
Best rank #31 in class 8 was on Outubro 2011. Ver histórico

2011 Asian and Oceanic Championships, Teams class 8: -10,9,-8,7,2
2011 Korea Veterans PTT Tournament, Teams class 8: 8,-10,13,6