HSIAO Kuo-Wei vs TING Ing Hock

Flag of Taipé Chinês HSIAO Kuo-Wei
Atualmente sem ranking.
Best rank #9 in class 9 was on Julho 2003. Ver histórico

2007 IWAS Games, Teams class 9: 5,1,-9,6
2005 World IWAS Games- Tribute to Peace, Men's open singles standing:
2005 World IWAS Games- Tribute to Peace, Singles class 9-10:
2005 Asia/South Pacific TT Championships, Teams class 9:
Flag of Malásia TING Ing Hock
Atualmente sem ranking.
Best rank #13 in class 9 was on Janeiro 2010. Ver histórico

2006 FESPIC Games, Singles class 9: 7,9,10
2005 World IWAS Games- Tribute to Peace, Teams class 9-10:
2003 FESPIC Championships, Teams class 9: