DIAZ ANGEL Alfonso Enrique vs LOUSTRIC Rolando

Created with Highcharts 9.0.1PartidasLOUSTRIC RolandoLOUSTRIC RolandoDIAZ ANGEL Alfonso EnriqueDIAZ ANGEL Alfonso Enrique
Created with Highcharts 9.0.1SetsLOUSTRIC RolandoLOUSTRIC RolandoDIAZ ANGEL Alfonso EnriqueDIAZ ANGEL Alfonso Enrique
Flag of Chile DIAZ ANGEL Alfonso Enrique
Atualmente sem ranking.
Best rank #36 in class 3 was on Julho 2011. Ver histórico

2021 Copa Tango, Singles class 3: 7,8,-6,3
2019 Copa Tango, Singles class 3: 10,4,8
2017 Copa Tango XV, Teams class 3: 10,5,-9,9
2014 Copa Tango XII, Singles class 3: -7,10,9,10
2014 Para South American Games, Singles class 3: 6,7,8
2013 Para PanAmerican Championships, Singles class 3: 9,6,8
Flag of Argentina LOUSTRIC Rolando
Ranking #61 em classe 3 e #219 em Homens em cadeira de rodas.
Best rank #55 in class 3 was on Outubro 2022. Ver histórico