PALOS Peter vs VALLEE Richard

Created with Highcharts 9.0.1PartidasVALLEE RichardVALLEE RichardPALOS PeterPALOS Peter
Created with Highcharts 9.0.1SetsVALLEE RichardVALLEE RichardPALOS PeterPALOS Peter
Flag of Hungria PALOS Peter
Classificação #7
Best rank #1 was on Setembro 2022. Ver histórico

2019 INAS Global Games, Singles class 11: 6,4,4
2012 9th Slovenian Open, Singles class 11: -6,-11,8,7,12
Flag of França VALLEE Richard
Atualmente sem ranking.
Best rank #8 was on Janeiro 2013. Ver histórico

2012 9th Slovenian Open, Teams class 11: -9,10,-8,9,9