PALOS Peter vs VON EINEM Samuel

Created with Highcharts 9.0.1PartidasVON EINEM SamuelVON EINEM SamuelPALOS PeterPALOS Peter
Created with Highcharts 9.0.1SetsVON EINEM SamuelVON EINEM SamuelPALOS PeterPALOS Peter
Flag of Hungria PALOS Peter
Classificação #7
Best rank #1 was on Setembro 2022. Ver histórico

2021 Paralympic Games 2020, Singles class 11: -6,7,-7,6,9
2016 13th Slovenian Open, Singles class 11: 5,-8,6,7
2014 Hungarian Open, Singles class 11: -11,6,10,10
Flag of Austrália VON EINEM Samuel
Classificação #3
Best rank #1 was on Agosto 2024. Ver histórico

2024 ITTF Costa Brava Spanish Para Open, Singles class 11: 4,13,8
2019 INAS Global Games, Singles class 11: 8,11,7
2014 Hungarian Open, Teams class 11: 6,9,7