ACOSTA Gonzalo vs TORRES ARAYA Carlos Mauricio

Created with Highcharts 9.0.1PartidasTORRES ARAYA Carlos MauricioTORRES ARAYA Carlos MauricioACOSTA GonzaloACOSTA Gonzalo
Created with Highcharts 9.0.1SetsTORRES ARAYA Carlos MauricioTORRES ARAYA Carlos MauricioACOSTA GonzaloACOSTA Gonzalo
Flag of Uruguai ACOSTA Gonzalo
Ranking #39 em classe 3 e #151 em Homens em cadeira de rodas.
Best rank #20 in class 3 was on Julho 2011. Ver histórico

2018 Copa Tango XVI, Singles class 3: 5,3,8
2013 Para PanAmerican Championships, Teams class 1-3: -5,8,5,9
2013 Copa Tango XI, Singles class 3: 4,6,6
2013 Copa Tango XI, Teams class 1-3: 6,4,6
2010 Copa Tango VIII, Singles class 3: 9,4,4
2009 Para Panamerican Championships, Singles class 3: 5,8,10
Flag of Chile TORRES ARAYA Carlos Mauricio
Atualmente sem ranking.
Best rank #62 in class 3 was on Novembro 2016. Ver histórico