BAKAR Mohamad Azwar vs TSUKAZAKI Tomohiro

Created with Highcharts 9.0.1PartidasTSUKAZAKI TomohiroTSUKAZAKI TomohiroBAKAR Mohamad AzwarBAKAR Mohamad Azwar
Created with Highcharts 9.0.1SetsTSUKAZAKI TomohiroTSUKAZAKI TomohiroBAKAR Mohamad AzwarBAKAR Mohamad Azwar
Flag of Malásia BAKAR Mohamad Azwar
Atualmente sem ranking.
Best rank #13 in class 10 was on Novembro 2017. Ver histórico

2015 3rd Taichung Table Tennis Open for the Disabled, Teams class 9-10: 7,7,2
Flag of Japão TSUKAZAKI Tomohiro
Atualmente sem ranking. Ver histórico