KARABEC Ivan vs PUNKAEW Master Parinya

Created with Highcharts 9.0.1PartidasPUNKAEW Master ParinyaPUNKAEW Master ParinyaKARABEC IvanKARABEC Ivan
Created with Highcharts 9.0.1SetsPUNKAEW Master ParinyaPUNKAEW Master ParinyaKARABEC IvanKARABEC Ivan
Flag of República Checa KARABEC Ivan
Ranking #16 em classe 10 e #61 em Homens em pé.
Best rank #1 in class 10 was on Abril 2010. Ver histórico

2017 PTT Thailand Open, Singles class 10: 1,9,3
Flag of Tailândia PUNKAEW Master Parinya
Ranking #48 em classe 10 e #295 em Homens em pé.
Best rank #40 in class 10 was on Dezembro 2022. Ver histórico