ABDELMONEIM Abousteit vs FERRO Pablo

Created with Highcharts 9.0.1PartidasFERRO PabloFERRO PabloABDELMONEIM AbousteitABDELMONEIM Abousteit
Created with Highcharts 9.0.1SetsFERRO PabloFERRO PabloABDELMONEIM AbousteitABDELMONEIM Abousteit
Flag of Egito ABDELMONEIM Abousteit
Ranking #46 em classe 7 e #226 em Homens em pé.
Best rank #24 in class 8 was on Abril 2001. Ver histórico

2015 Slovakia Open, Singles class 7: 8,7,7
2015 12th Slovenian Open, Singles class 7: -4,6,9,12
Flag of Argentina FERRO Pablo
Atualmente sem ranking.
Best rank #17 in class 7 was on Abril 2011. Ver histórico