ROUSSEAU Jeremy vs CIESLAR Jaroslav

Flag of França ROUSSEAU Jeremy
Atualmente sem ranking.
Best rank #13 in class 10 was on Outubro 2008. Ver histórico

2007 Jordan Open TT Championships, Men's open singles standing: -2,-8,9,9,9
Flag of República Checa CIESLAR Jaroslav
Atualmente sem ranking.
Best rank #3 in class 9 was on Julho 2009. Ver histórico

2007 Czech Open, Teams class 10: 3,-7,6,9
2007 Jordan Open TT Championships, Teams class 10: 7,-10,8,8
2005 Norwegian Open, Men's open singles standing:
2003 Italians Open 1st Trophy T.T. - Bibiones City, Teams class 9-10:
2003 European Championships, Teams class 10:
2001 5th Alukor Cup, Teams class 10:
2001 European Championships, Teams class 10: