Created with Highcharts 9.0.1PartidasMORALES JordiMORALES JordiWOLLMERT JochenWOLLMERT Jochen
Created with Highcharts 9.0.1SetsMORALES JordiMORALES JordiWOLLMERT JochenWOLLMERT Jochen
Flag of Alemanha WOLLMERT Jochen
Ranking # em classe 7 e # em Homens em pé.
Best rank #1 in class 7 was on Outubro 2010. Ver histórico

2015 European Championships, Singles class 7: 7,-7,7,-8,17
2012 Paralympic Games, Singles class 7: 8,-6,-2,6,8
2012 Lignano Master Open, Teams class 7: -6,-9,10,10,12
2009 European Championships, Singles class 7: -9,10,9,8
2007 European Championships, Teams class 7: -8,7,4,7
2006 World Championships, Teams class 7:
2004 3rd Bielefeld Open, Singles class 7:
1999 European Championships, Teams class 8:
Flag of Espanha MORALES Jordi
Atualmente sem ranking.
Best rank #2 in class 7 was on Julho 2011. Ver histórico

2014 Copa Costa Rica, Singles class 7: 4,6,8
2014 11th Slovenian Open, Singles class 7: 8,4,-2,8
2013 European Championships, Teams class 7: -6,1,8,-9,8
2013 2nd Bayreuth Open, Teams class 7: 7,10,-7,4
2013 10th Slovenian Open, Teams class 7: -9,6,2,10
2012 Paralympic Games, Teams class 6-8: 4,2,9
2012 9th Slovenian Open, Teams class 7: 3,-9,-9,3,7
2011 European Championships, Teams class 7: -6,-6,6,7,8
2011 European Championships, Teams class 7: 5,8,8
2011 Dutch Open, Singles class 7: 6,5,4
2010 World Championships, Singles class 7: 10,-8,9,-9,6
2008 Liverpool Open, Singles class 7: 13,8,9
2007 Jordan Open TT Championships, Singles class 7: 7,3,13
2004 3rd Bielefeld Open, Men's open singles standing: