SCHWINN Thorsten vs DEIGSLER Michal

Created with Highcharts 9.0.1PartidasDEIGSLER MichalDEIGSLER MichalSCHWINN ThorstenSCHWINN Thorsten
Created with Highcharts 9.0.1SetsDEIGSLER MichalDEIGSLER MichalSCHWINN ThorstenSCHWINN Thorsten
Flag of Alemanha SCHWINN Thorsten
Atualmente sem ranking.
Best rank #4 in class 7 was on Julho 2012. Ver histórico

2014 11th Slovenian Open, Teams class 7: 11,-10,7,9
2013 10th Slovenian Open, Singles class 7: 10,-9,7,7
Flag of Polônia DEIGSLER Michal
Ranking #7 em classe 7 e #58 em Homens em pé.
Best rank #7 in class 7 was on Janeiro 2025. Ver histórico