MUNOZ Giselle vs CABALLERO SILVA Liliana Lourdes

Created with Highcharts 9.0.1PartidasCABALLERO SILVA Liliana LourdesCABALLERO SILVA Liliana LourdesMUNOZ GiselleMUNOZ Giselle
Created with Highcharts 9.0.1SetsCABALLERO SILVA Liliana LourdesCABALLERO SILVA Liliana LourdesMUNOZ GiselleMUNOZ Giselle
Flag of Argentina MUNOZ Giselle
Ranking #7 em classe 7 e #52 em Mulheres em pé.
Best rank #1 in class 8 was on Agosto 2002. Ver histórico

2021 Copa Tango, Singles class 6-10: 6,6,1
2016 Copa Chile, Singles class 6-8: 2,2,2