MWANGI Edwin Muruah vs BOUVAIS Thomas

Created with Highcharts 9.0.1PartidasBOUVAIS ThomasBOUVAIS ThomasMWANGI Edwin MuruahMWANGI Edwin Muruah
Created with Highcharts 9.0.1SetsBOUVAIS ThomasBOUVAIS ThomasMWANGI Edwin MuruahMWANGI Edwin Muruah
Flag of Quênia MWANGI Edwin Muruah
Atualmente sem ranking.
Best rank #52 in class 8 was on Setembro 2013. Ver histórico

Flag of França BOUVAIS Thomas
Ranking #6 em classe 8 e #21 em Homens em pé.
Best rank #2 in class 8 was on Março 2016. Ver histórico

2013 Mike Dempsey Memorial Table Tennis Championships, Singles class 8: 10,6,9